--> History has humor in Tranber’s animated videos! - My Blog
So, who are you, Geoffray?

So, who are you, Geoffray?

(interview conducted by Eric Lejeune, freelance journalist, April 4, 2024 )

- I come from middle class. My father was in the military, so I travelled a lot in my childhood. As I say on the Home page of this site, I’m a guy of many lives. As a beginner artist, after studying Plastic Arts, I had to survive by doing a lot of odd jobs: high school pawn, tennis teacher, office boy, postman, telephone salesman, pants salesman, bartender, waiter, cook, restaurant unit manager, bodyguard, and I forget…

When I had my son, I decided to stop working stupid jobs to train as a computer scientist, thanks to the copyright of one of my songs, which was taken for a television commercial.

I then had a career as a computer engineer specializing in large systems.

Nowadays, I don’t need to work anymore, and I have more time for my artistic projects, including this one, “History has humor”.

What about your artistic career?

What about your artistic career?

- As the pictures on this page show, I’ve been doing Theater and Music since I was 12. Acting or singing is a pleasure for me. I do it whenever I have the opportunity.

But I’m mostly an author.

Writing is both a kind of gift and a need. Making my human brothers and sisters laugh without taking them for feeble minds, is what has always guided me. It’s in my karma, I guess.

I am also a great reader, an addict to History. With Sciences, they are still the only two disciplines that really seek to offer us constructive answers on our collective destiny and on Life. This great current souk.

Where are you at, now?

Where are you at, now?

- As I am lucky enough to not have to “lose my life to earn it” anymore, I decided to use my remaining time on projects that I have not been able to complete so far: writing ambitious plays, and this animated videos project, which pays tribute to those I call “the righteous of thought”, as opposed to idiots and evildoers, who unceasingly obscure our vision of things on the nets.

What we need is Clarity, these days, more than ever.

And we don’t have many friends all around, for that.

Precisely, what made you want to create this series, «History has humor»?

Precisely, what made you want to create this series, «History has humor»?

- I talk about it in the interview "Making of Video 1" below. The idea of these animated videos came to me like a flash when I came across this incredible text by Sigmund Freud, entitled «the nervous illness of modern times».

And you must always obey a flash!

I felt a deep need to share my admiration for these thinkers, who saw just before others, or who enunciated eternal truths.

Reading and listening to them, allows us either to foresee a somewhat credible future, or to put into perspective what we believe are the evils of our time. Which is often not the case, such as religious extremism, for example.

Why did you create this site?

Why did you create this site?

- Creating animated videos with humor and a little depth in it, only makes sense if they are shared.

If there is one thing on which the intellectuals who think about the future and whom I read are unanimous, it's that the salvation, for all of us, lies in sharing, not in isolation and individualism. By will or by force, Humanity will at some point have to make a better collective sharing of goods, on this earth.

And goods are also ideas and feelings, aren’t they?

A little good time and reflection on life are precious moments, I think. So, I put them at the disposal of all those who might appreciate it around the world, on this modest site.

What were the difficulties you encountered?

What were the difficulties you encountered?

- Haven’t met that many. Creation is hard work, but delicious hard work.

Baby is born in happiness.

Difficulties were for me more about the techniques to acquire in Photoshop, film editing, website creation, and so on.

Still learning.

AI is not yet mature in my eyes, but already, it offers opportunities to work faster, whether to find images, or to clarify technical points that blocked me before.

On the other hand, contrary to what one might think, finding humorous and rich texts all over the world is not so difficult. So many clever people all around the world, in History!

What challenges do you face now?

What challenges do you face now?

- The main one ahead will be to get financial help from the Internet users (you!), in order to be able to finance a season 2 of ‘History has humor’. I have carried out my entire artistic career based on the freedom I did not have elsewhere in my life, hence, without being upstart, hence… live well, but am not rich! And it’s not Theater that will bring me fortune. We are very far from the film industry, here. So, without a little help from You, I will simply not have the money to continue.

That’s the way it is.

What are you proud of, with these animated videos?

What are you proud of, with these animated videos?

- Well… For a natural, learning all alone, diving in the net for clues when blocked somewhere, I consider those first videos… let’s say… watchable.

You know, for a guy specialized in words, creating images, is a kind of a challenge.

But hey. I give it to myself a little bit, but at the end of the day, it will be YOU, who will tell if the result seems pleasant, and if it deserves me to continue…

What are your ideas for season 2?

What are your ideas for season 2?

- I want to show now, that intelligence is universal, by also finding extracts from authors other than occidentals. I’ve already started, with my animated videos about Gandhi and Confucius. But I would like to find excerpts from Arab, African, Pakistani texts.... The difficulty is that they have to be world-famous, and text must be over a century old. That’s the rule of the game on this site. And our white culture is pretty autocentric. Even so, we have to be able to do that. It has a little taste of an exciting intellectual challenge, for me, actually.

More Geoffray Interviews about the making of his Animated Videos

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